It's all about me not u . If i've do anything sucks just remind me . Plus i'm not perfect person . Thank you for understanding me .


Okay punya laa excited nak share story about comadre. Hmm aku bangun awal tahu semata-mata comadre HAHA,
tapi gerak lambat juga about 2pm i think. This is because i'd accompanied my mum to service her car.
Dah siap-siap semua camera checked! battery phone checked! wallet checked!

So salam la kedua ibubapa sebelum pergi hihi jap ayah aku tanya ''Eh, nak pergi mana ni? Takbagitahu ayah pun.'' Aku pun jawab lah ''Ayah, hana nak pi tengok konsert ni, ada band datang dari Boston *actually comadre dari California. Bolehkan ayah? Hehe takdapat pergi Boston tengok dekat sini pun jadilah *Haa my dad every year got free ticket hmm kerja MAS katakan so aku pernah ajak pi Boston hehe :P. Then ayah aku diam dalam kiraan 10 macam tu. Aku cuak takut dia takkasi tapi alhamdulillah akhirnya i heard these words ''Jalan tu elok-elok, jaga diri :)''.

Bab paling lawak dan bodoh yang pernah aku hadapi ----> Before t
his, i used to drive a car went to Ampang with my family. But second time i went to that place, i forgot the direction!!! Next i'm lost and reached TAR highway. Pusing-pusing tang tu juga haishh, hati aku time tu panas je nak je rasa pi Season End Brawls dekat wankapir. I'm feel like a moron because i went the show alone. Sampai Ampang, nasib ada Arwith dia lah jadi GPS aku bagitahu Myevo dekat mana ohh :0 Do you know what time i arrived there? It was 9.15pm dude!!! Noob weh aku rasa aku takboleh kerja jadi driver.

Akhirnya, dapat juga aku bersama comadre. They all fuckin awesome like a k-pop artist haha. Hmm i think i'm rating them 6 out of 5. Can hah? If u still dont believe what i've said before naa check it out.