It's all about me not u . If i've do anything sucks just remind me . Plus i'm not perfect person . Thank you for understanding me .

Dilema - -''

God please help me ? What should i do , to choose matrik or asasi engineering ?

I hope i will get pharmacy . But u give me engineering , if i choose matrik i have another chance to become a pharmacist but if i cant they'll apply me others fucking course .

Help me please ?

Midvalley 28april

Today i company my besti Ain hang out with her friends plus her boyfie . Sigh even i felt so bored sitted on chair near the stall in the big mall and tired off searching wi-fi there .
I'm alone walked with slowly stepped then stop at News shop brought ROTTW zine . Fucking cool Massacre Conspiracy cover the zine . How cool i thought that time ? Omg my fav band ehe :P
After brought zine and some drinks *of course 100plus , i went back to the chair and myspacing back . The lines was too bad makes me annoyed . At 1530 , we're going to back home . Taking the wrong bus at Nilai to Airport . Huh , lastly we called Choc to pick up us at Airport . 1930 at home .

Bane :'(

I wanna go this . But i think i cant ? Urgh why matriks must sign in on 10th of May . I dont understand why they all rushing , too fast :(

Hari-hari tido lmbt ?

Tido pkl3-4pagi then bangon pkl10-11 .
Teruk ke ? AHAHA

Poser ke ?

Uh-hu . Tadi hang out dkt Bb plaza dgn Cieda dan membe dia . Aku tkfree hair malas kot . First time lepak Pavi
Omg , nothing words can i describe that place .Urgh what i wanna say is "too much yeah hell poser there" What the freakshow they making of ?

Even i new in this scene , but i dont see em all . F to the poser sorry to say but nk gelak ah tengok korg dgn baju ganas . Aku gerun dehh -__-''
Bukan nk cari gaduh tp thats the truth from my lungs to heart . Oke stop cerita psl poser . Aku lepak dgn Cieda sumpah dorg heavy smoker kot asl sikit rokokrokok . Pening aku dgn asap rokok . Bukan nk tunjuk straight la tp mmg aku pening so tkbanyak ckp kot aku time lepak . A little bit bored , then bnyk gadis cewah gadis cuncun belaka tp tetibe merokok haish apelah budk skrg ?

Then lepaklepak minum dorg karaoke aku nk join ? Sorry guys itu bukan aku nk gedik memekak bagai . Then kwn Cieda pggil aku Ustazah ? Nice name beb sbb aku bukan gadisgadis cun yg kau pernah jumpe dkt Pavi tuh . Salam lelaki pun aku tkhingin .
Before balik aku jln sorg dkt Bb plaza cari baju so aku beli 2 baju dkt Macbeth tkcukup duit nk beli kasot baju pun jadilah aha aku miskin duit pun tkdek :'(
Untuk tkboring sambil jln aku text B [Bukan Bf] . Huh then balik dgn selamat
Alhamdulillah kuikuikui .



Fucking awesome show man !

Huh i felt this gig was the great , fucking great huh ^o^

Walaupun ramai yg batak teruja nk tengok Caliban , hmmph Caliban ? Bolelah tapi kalau aku hafal lirik dorg memang gempak gila babun dpt sing along but i thought i didnt have time to see their show . So aku tkhafal tkdapat nk sing along :(

Restraint bigbig thumbs up lah . Haha lawak baru nk naik stage time until the end dah habis pulok . Kurang asam kau wahaha . Slut dkt akak Amy kene hempap dgn bro besar yg stage dive masih bertahan dia :)

Now i have Nine Eleven sweat . Fucking cool >,<

Yeah , i passed my jpj test

Alhamdulillah, tak siasia aku belajar sampai kepenatan oh .

Uhuu suke gila my life was lucky to have a good car and the jpj man .

Thanks to Allah :)

Now i'm waiting for my motocycle test soon . And i hope i'll passed again .

And getting P license yuhuu

My Awesome Brother ?

Hari ini asl abg aku baik sgt ? Haha

Selalu ade je alasan dia bg tp td before nk keluar "Weh, nk pesan ape ape tak ? "

So aku pun ckp teh O ais limau satu .

Then dia belikan aku minum ngadap komp sewel neh ;)