It's all about me not u . If i've do anything sucks just remind me . Plus i'm not perfect person . Thank you for understanding me .


I already finished my work then quickly going to ERL Putrajaya. Thanks to Umusalamah my friend at my workplace hehe without her i dont think that i can be at wankafir asap ;D

Sampai je sana tengok Notedown dh start perfor
m hmm baru nk sing along lagu i am who i am. Even crowd tkramai tp best hihi. I meet Diyana, Kc, Dura and etc *memang banyaklah kn nk sebut semua :>

Overall cruel hand is fucking awesome man! But my toplist band is still Nine eleven muahahaha. I remember the words i sa
y to Chrish "please come here again bro" he was smiled at me hikhik then he signed at my tees



In the nutshell, thanks damn much to kak kc for helped me that night. May Allah blessed her and her friends :') *sobsob. Hmm tklupa untuk guy dubai yg dalam erl time aku nak balik haritu aku nk cakap "fuck you!" sukahati kau duduk sebelah aku then pegang-pegang tangan aku. Amek kau kene sound walaupun english aku tklah okay sangat -___-'''

Bye, watch this!