It's all about me not u . If i've do anything sucks just remind me . Plus i'm not perfect person . Thank you for understanding me .

Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah :)

When someone depend on you, you will find there's a huge responsibility to carry and try to hold it strong as you can. That's true right? Yeah i feel it right now, and i'm scared of it. Could i hold it within 4years? Or could i finish it well with CGPA 3.5 and above. What i need are effort, prayer and support from family and friends. I afraid that i'll feeling blues and no one encourage me again, fall into a deep cave. Remind me to always think positively, others people can do, it will same goes to you. Just put an effort and dont forget to pray completely in a day. 

"When you are simply going out with your family or friends, you just can't act silly like that. people see you by the title you gained. being jovial and funny is okay. but being a doctor is not only at work, it's a life. patients' perceptions towards us. being scolded by the patient's family cause I told them the truth of the patient's condition, politely and nicely. they scolded me cause they say the mother couldn't face the truth. well yes, being scolded by your professors while presenting a patient in front of your peers. exams. hell yes examssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss I should say. loads of exams. and another two loads of terms to be memorized, in details. stress. stress. stress. the competition you'll be having is much more higher. you must survive. or you won't make it to the end. if you're doing medic for glamour and money. you're totally absolutely wrong. medicine is a battle field. it's not a casino world. no. in medicine, you're at war. you fight. and you gotta win. you must win. you might tumble you might fall you might be hurt, but no you must not lose. in medicine, it's not about being proud of yourself. like you're chatting with your friends, "eh you skrg buat apa eh?" and you answered boastfully,"eh you tak tau ke? I doctor tau skrg. doctor." well kinda like that lah. in medicine, it's about giving respects and gaining it twice back from people around you. yes that's how it works. so yea, you think you have it all to do medicine? think thrice. if you have what it takes to go through all these mean stuffs, then go for medicine at the highest gear along with turbo and never turn around. this is a one way route.", Dr. Tengku Syed Muhammad Naquib.

Hahahha the truth is i never know who is Dr. Tengku Syed tu, nut yeahh i admit 100% what's he said. All the words stab in my heart omgezzz yeah the life's going on what we seen and adapt to it. Gambatte hana for your coming repeat exam during holiday. Dont keep playing around -..- geez.