It's all about me not u . If i've do anything sucks just remind me . Plus i'm not perfect person . Thank you for understanding me .


Skate then jatuh -,- Ollie masih tkjadi tp tadi main dkt mangkuk tu haha first try jatuh . Then sedikit kemajuan ada :D

Pstt time turun kene berat badan ke hadapan .


My expectation was wrong

I thought my brother which is Abg cik doesnt intrested teasing at me . Yeah he's always with my sister . One day , i was quarelled with him , he's start it . Yeah i admit that i always used his stuff and never ask for his permission . Start from that , i never talk with him .

My mum always be side of him whenever we are quarelling . I hate him :) that's true . But this night was a miraculously ! He gives me a backpak , i mean pioneer backpack . Before that , he's sell it to me but a few minute he's change his mind and told me that he gives it to me as my money raya . My heart saying " what's wrong with him ? , what's he eat before ? " i was quite confused that time .

" Oooo... " the words came out from my mouth spontaneuosly . Then he asking me " What you should say ? " Haaaaaaaah ? Oh thank you bro :)

It's like miracle isn't ?

Kawaiii ^,^

he's makes my heart flowering back hahahah . Nope just a kidding :P
He's so cute .

Pagi raya 2010

I was not really happy at all , i miss my late brother damn much . No one knows
how i felt that day . Quite silencing haha

Bila ziarah kuubur along my heart saying " Along , rindu gila dekat along . Kan best kalau along ada lagi . Boleh pegi gig sama-sama dan gurau sampai gelak perut senak bagai . Sighh hana tkrapat dgn abg cik -,- . Jelesnyaaaa dia selalu dgn akak . Kan best mcm dulu-dulu , boleh ajar hana main gitar :P . Abang cik selalu perli hana lg lg pasal pegi gig laaa , skate lahh ape je lah semua tkkena ."


Tragedi 7september

Balik rumah raye time hahahaha :D
Tapi singgah shopping dulu la hahaha mcm biasa time square mari nak angkat vans la kot tengok duit cukup tak =,=

Oke turun dr Star meninggalkan rakan rakan seperjuangan matrix and star's boy juge adesss sedih sebenarnya nk berpisah :P

Time jalan nak ke TS dekat traffic light dah berkelip aku pun apelagi lagi lahhh dengan membawa beg seberat 2kg , tangan kanan pegang phone dan wallet , tangan kiri pula pegang skate . Time tengah melintas tiba-tiba aku tersungkur ke depan dushhhh . Kereta nak jalan dah -.- aku pula tension apsal bole jatuh maybe pakai baju kurung aku tkbiase .

Sume barang dkt tangan aku tercampak . Yihhh shit aku macam nk nangis sebab cuai gila boleh jatuh ,then ade sorg laki nk tolong aku aku pergi marah dia "tkpayahlah !" dengan nada menjerit stupid thing i made .

Kain baju kurung tersayang aku koyak :'(

Result UPS :'(

Yihhh , apsal teruk sgt wehei result aku ? Fuckin' bad such a pig's nose . Yeahh i admit that , matrix life so tough . And i'm noob English . Does not have much time to spend time learned English .

Dushhhh -.-'' i should deserved E for English fuckin'annoying me so much .
Pssttt , memanglah E sebab kau tgk ayat aku bnyk mencarut hahaha . Oke fine tknak mencarut lagi . Shits ! haha

Yg lain okelahh Math A solid , Chemistry C- , Biology C+ .
Last but not lease , keep it up Hana ^.^