It's all about me not u . If i've do anything sucks just remind me . Plus i'm not perfect person . Thank you for understanding me .

Result UPS :'(

Yihhh , apsal teruk sgt wehei result aku ? Fuckin' bad such a pig's nose . Yeahh i admit that , matrix life so tough . And i'm noob English . Does not have much time to spend time learned English .

Dushhhh -.-'' i should deserved E for English fuckin'annoying me so much .
Pssttt , memanglah E sebab kau tgk ayat aku bnyk mencarut hahaha . Oke fine tknak mencarut lagi . Shits ! haha

Yg lain okelahh Math A solid , Chemistry C- , Biology C+ .
Last but not lease , keep it up Hana ^.^