It's all about me not u . If i've do anything sucks just remind me . Plus i'm not perfect person . Thank you for understanding me .

The Second Bitter Heart

Am I a bad girl to you?
What's going on actually, hmm you said it's okay if I'd text you.
But this time, the second time you didnt reply my message.
Please dont make me wonder anything, if you already have anyone which is special in your life please let me know.
So that I can give up on this trying, make you to love me.
Even the words going out from your mouth are hurt but at least the lesion is temporary and it will heal by my leukocytes.
But if you are keep quite without saying anything, it will forever make me hurt and so on it will cause tumor.

Credit to: AAM

The world is changing, me too :(

Being in hardcore scene yes it filled me alot of energy to do something in my life. But currently i need to filled my life with alot of feelings. I wanna cry, happy, angry and feel peaceful. That why now im choosing skramz scene where i will gain more and more emotion.
Dear hardcore scene, from my bottom of heart, i wanna say truly sorry. I cant choose you right now. Im finding my new way now. Now, im putting you aside of my life just for awhile. Sometimes i will find you back :')

"This seems to be the only way out, the only option...."

Here we go, who's going this show? Hopefully you all get benefit from it like what we found in their lyrics.

"Stand by everything you said,
stand by the promises we made,
let's go of everything I've done,
I'll run into your open arms,
and all I know,
I love you more than life, I love you more than life"
- More Than Life


I don't know why recently I'm always listen to post-rock genre. Maybe the song is good to listen anytime and anywhere. For me, it will make you feel calm and peace maybe.
Hmm because of that, I need to save my money from buying lunch, comics, and etc. I wanna have a new collection of the post-rock please D:

And you now what, I have plan before this, i wanna go Mogwai Live in Bangkok on 2 Dec, but just now I got my schedule and the bad things moment I had is that there is a week where I got final exam for Molecular Basis of Medicine and Nutrition. LOL -___-''

Furthermore, I have checked the flight price it's cost RM1K. Omg where can i get so much much in faster way?

Left the grey, the cold, i want to change.

Cloud mouth (End of The Earth)

On 7th oct after im finished my final exam for this anatomy block, i went to KLIA and meet Arwith together fetch Cloud Mouth from Chicago. Damn, i like their drummer is called Z. Not because of his appearance but his spirit while playing a drum. He got the skills.

Have you watch it? Cool, isn't it? Hehe. But they was rip now. Hmm so sad, but at lea
st i went to their last tour and got some poster together with signature also wishes from them. I'm really really miss them, even they are not famous here but in Chicago they also as hot as Comadre
too ^^

Miss them :') From my heart to the lung. Credit to Z, Matt, and John ^^


Tksangka pula si suis la lune ni pandai bahasa utara :D

Ohh the amazing thing i had ever ;)

Look! They followed me back. I am so touched :')

The roses

The rose is red,
The violet's blue,
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you ;)

Aflower kollapsed ;)


Okay punya laa excited nak share story about comadre. Hmm aku bangun awal tahu semata-mata comadre HAHA,
tapi gerak lambat juga about 2pm i think. This is because i'd accompanied my mum to service her car.
Dah siap-siap semua camera checked! battery phone checked! wallet checked!

So salam la kedua ibubapa sebelum pergi hihi jap ayah aku tanya ''Eh, nak pergi mana ni? Takbagitahu ayah pun.'' Aku pun jawab lah ''Ayah, hana nak pi tengok konsert ni, ada band datang dari Boston *actually comadre dari California. Bolehkan ayah? Hehe takdapat pergi Boston tengok dekat sini pun jadilah *Haa my dad every year got free ticket hmm kerja MAS katakan so aku pernah ajak pi Boston hehe :P. Then ayah aku diam dalam kiraan 10 macam tu. Aku cuak takut dia takkasi tapi alhamdulillah akhirnya i heard these words ''Jalan tu elok-elok, jaga diri :)''.

Bab paling lawak dan bodoh yang pernah aku hadapi ----> Before t
his, i used to drive a car went to Ampang with my family. But second time i went to that place, i forgot the direction!!! Next i'm lost and reached TAR highway. Pusing-pusing tang tu juga haishh, hati aku time tu panas je nak je rasa pi Season End Brawls dekat wankapir. I'm feel like a moron because i went the show alone. Sampai Ampang, nasib ada Arwith dia lah jadi GPS aku bagitahu Myevo dekat mana ohh :0 Do you know what time i arrived there? It was 9.15pm dude!!! Noob weh aku rasa aku takboleh kerja jadi driver.

Akhirnya, dapat juga aku bersama comadre. They all fuckin awesome like a k-pop artist haha. Hmm i think i'm rating them 6 out of 5. Can hah? If u still dont believe what i've said before naa check it out.


I already finished my work then quickly going to ERL Putrajaya. Thanks to Umusalamah my friend at my workplace hehe without her i dont think that i can be at wankafir asap ;D

Sampai je sana tengok Notedown dh start perfor
m hmm baru nk sing along lagu i am who i am. Even crowd tkramai tp best hihi. I meet Diyana, Kc, Dura and etc *memang banyaklah kn nk sebut semua :>

Overall cruel hand is fucking awesome man! But my toplist band is still Nine eleven muahahaha. I remember the words i sa
y to Chrish "please come here again bro" he was smiled at me hikhik then he signed at my tees



In the nutshell, thanks damn much to kak kc for helped me that night. May Allah blessed her and her friends :') *sobsob. Hmm tklupa untuk guy dubai yg dalam erl time aku nak balik haritu aku nk cakap "fuck you!" sukahati kau duduk sebelah aku then pegang-pegang tangan aku. Amek kau kene sound walaupun english aku tklah okay sangat -___-'''

Bye, watch this!

I like the ways you thinking ;)

Okay today i meet a guy, which is a PA for Dato' Sri Ali at my workplace. Just now he's start the conversation, that time i'm reading anatomy book.Hmm how best is it if i can have a brother like him :')
Even though he knows that im not getting 4flat for cgpa but he still supported me. Also he believe that i can go for it. "Alaa semua yang pandai-pandai mesti pergi oversea so ada peluang apa mintak UM"that what he said to me.

Not like others even my dad too.When they know i'm just getting 3.67.
They said ohh this quite tough too apply medic. Hmm thank you for giving me the strength bro. I'm really appreciate it!


Stupid man >:/ i think i never angry like this before. Hmm siye hang ni, pi buka folder picture aku pakwe aku pun belum tentu dapat tengok. Nak je aku sepak hang tkpadan dengan pendek. Nasib hang satu tempat kerja dengan aku. Even i forgive but i never forget *cukup berdendam kan?


Result :(

Untunglah pergi Genting sampai tktakut pun result kn hana? Hmm. Balik dari Genting on computer then i'm checking my result.

Alhamdullilah. There was an improvement from sem1. What the fuck? Bio B+ err i'm quite sad. For your information, i'm always keep studying Biology during study week compare to others subject but the result still not A. Sumpah sedih, i felt that i'm not have any chemistry with Biology. But i wanna take medic course please. Dear Allah, please give me a strength and a chance :'(

Genting :)

Okay semalam hari rabu 180511 pergi Genting Highland dengan Sheera, Dila, Zulfadli, Fathin, dan boyfriend dia *tkkenal pun. Bertolak pukul7 dh macam nak pergi sekolah pulok hmm. Going to Kl sentral by erl then we reached there and waiting for the bus. Sementara tunggu tu, kami dah macam kaunter pertanyaan.

I'm gossiping in the bus with Sheera, so long we didnt spend time together hmm. Then at 1030am we were reached at Genting. We took a gondola going to the theme park, it was awesome guy! Banyak kabus hoho i like! Sheera was excited and asking me, "what we wanna play first?", but at the last she affraid to try almost extreme game there err she quite annoying me. Benci tkmain roller coaster pun haishhh.

After that, we were at snow world. Fucking awesome! Too cool and i dream to furture studying in Japan hikhik. Then there was a guy hmm not bad appearance, he almost stalking me. Hehehehe how cute he is :P He asked me my number but i ignore him hmm i felt regret for that now :( Hope we will meet again. Keep working there and i will be there again :') i miss that time *touching.

Haaa another annoyed case, there was a Indonesian try to capture a photo of me and my friend. Err fuck that man! 0700pm, we were going to the station bus through the skyway. Bye Genting Highland and the cute guy hehe <3

**waiting photo from my friend heehee**

